Management Assessment |
This service is often used as an adjunct to the executive search or selection processes. Shortlist candidates from Keith Townrow's search and selection business and, equally commonly, candidates identified by other search and selection companies, are referred to us for independent assessment. Assessment programs are tailored to meet client needs. Results are matched to person and job specifications in readable non-technical reports, which reflect our well-informed perspective on the key competencies predictive of executive success. The Service is seen as critical in making good senior selection decisions and in the counselling of managers at critical or difficult stages in their careers. We use occupationally relevant and up to date psychometric methods which cover the following: Test of High Level Reasoning SkillsThese assess the individual's intellectual potential to do a demanding job by identifying the power of his or her core verbal and numerical reasoning skills and, importantly, potential to undertake and design strategic and creative work. Personality QuestionnairesThese predict how someone will do a job by measuring relevant personality characteristics. Measurement of this nature provides a more comprehensive, reliable and objective assessment than can be gained from a conventional interview. Team Development and IntegrationQuestionnaires are also used to identify the inclination of an individual towards a specific role in a team beyond the purely functional demands of his or her job. They help to maximise the potential of an individual within a team, enable the selection of a balanced team from scratch, as well as identifying weaknesses in existing teams. Influencing, Leadership and Subordinate StylesThe discriminating use of personality questionnaires also elicits important information about management style and ensures complementary personalities in "boss" and subordinates. Decision ProfilingWe identify the main features of executives' approach to decision making, focussing on speed, certainty, rationality and attitude to calculated risk taking. We explore the presence of entrepreneurship within individuals or management groups. Motivational AnalysisWe examine the motivational base of individuals. A vital adjunct to understanding how to tap into the latent resources and talents possessed by people and bring out the best of their abilities. |
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